Sunday, September 2, 2012

The world as we know it?

The world is so big yet so small, or is it so small yet so big? Maybe we are living in a Matrix and deja vu is just a glitch in the system. Or maybe the dreams we have are us seeing things that have happened to our doppelgangers in multiple alternate universal dimensions that are easily accessible with the use of a blue police box (Doctor Who reference). Or is all of this just the rantings of a craaaazy person. The world may never know.


  1. Very deep and quite poetic! I would say that the world is very small yet so big because sometimes people's view of our world is limited to what they see everyday. They have no idea how big our world really is and will never know; unless they took time to explore it or properly educate themselves.

  2. I love your pictures of Brazil. It gave a lot of insight on the culture there.
